Elkins Lake's story begins in the Texas of the 1920s. Here was the private retreat of Judge James A Elkins, Sr., the personal estate of a man whose legal, financial and political interests made him a legend in his own time.

Not only did the guest book at the Judge's "Manor House" read like a "Who's Who of Texas", but it is said that downtown Houston skyscrapers changed hands in front of the Judge's fireplace. For over a half century, invitations to social events hosted by The Judge were "musts" to attend.

The Judge built Elkins Lake for his personal enjoyment - a serene refuge from the pressures of everyday living. This spirit and atmosphere still remains today in our community.

Mission Statement
Elkins Lake is a supportive and caring community with common interests. We have interests in recreational and social activities, a desire for exceptional value, and a stable and predictable residential environment. ELRC is a community governed club. We exist to provide the community with leadership, relevant policies, programs and services to meet these common interests. 

Elkins Lake offers a wide variety of recreational

opportunities to our membership.


More Information?

If you are not an Elkins Lake Property Owner, but would like additional information, please contact us. Property Owners, Welcome home!

(936) 295-8181 [email protected]